Pirastro Perpetual Cello Strings

Perpetual represent a departure from Pirastro's usual approach to string design. They have started from scratch, with entirely new technological concepts applied to this new brand. The result is a string that competes favorably with the top selling brands from other manufacturers such as Larsen and Spirocore. An important benefit of the Perpetual design is the quick break in time. The G and C in particular are appealing because their counterparts from other string manufacturers require weeks or months to "settle in".

Perpetual have become a top choice for professional players. This is no small feat. In the past, many new string challengers have come, and ultimately failed to capture the market from the established brands.

Cadenza is a lower tension version, which should appeal to players of fine instruments that are often "choked" by modern steel strings.

4/4 Cello
4/4 Cello
4/4 Cello
Stark (Thick)
4/4 Cello
Edition Steel
4/4 Cello
Edition Steel Stark