Violins for Intermediate Players
When to upgrade to a better instrument is a complicated question. Often, when the student begins lessons with his or her first private teacher, it is time to step up to a higher quality instrument. Others reasonably choose instruments from this level for a beginning player. One thing is for sure- In the moderate price ranges, a little extra investment goes a long way to improve the playability and quality of tone over an entry level product. Pick a price point that is comfortable for you, and consider upgrading in a year or two. Our trade-in policy gives you the flexibility to upgrade the instrument freely, without losing value on your initial investment.
We stock a large selection, but the best way to shop is to contact us by email and let us know a little about which models seem appealing to you in terms of the size, price range, tone, and appearance. We can use your preferences to make a specific recommendation of instrument our outfit which is in stock. We also offer a 7 day in-home trial. So, please do not hesitate to contact us. There are no stupid questions. We love email.
**PLEASE NOTE**:Not every item on this page is in stock at all times. Some models we offer by special order only. Others are on back order with the vendor. Please email us to check availability of any product shown here.

Segue Concertino Plus
Segue is our private label brand for high-value instruments. The Concertino Plus model is produced for us by Eastman and demonstrate our commitment to quality tonewood and expert hand-craftsmanship. Each instrument is entirely hand-crafted with well-seasoned, select tonewoods and an attractive and durable hand-applied translucent amber varnish. They also feature ebony fingerboards and boxwood pegs, tailpiece and chinrest.

Eastman Model 305 "Giocoso Antique"
Eastman model VL305 violins are one of our most popular instruments. The strong tonal and visual presence is a result of their materials, with a select spruce top and highly flamed maple back, ribs, and scroll. These vibrant tonewoods are treated with a hand-applied antique-style spirit varnish and include hand-carved ebony pegs, tailpiece and chinrest.

Eastman Model 405 "Appassionato"
Eastman model VL405 violins features a varnish that emulates the exceptional varnishes from master workshops in Markneukirchen, Germany a century ago. These workshops distinguished themselves by developing some of the best varnishes of the modern era, and Eastman has employed their varnish recipes and techniques to achieve old world results.

Dunov 402 "Superior"
Dunov Superior model VL402 violins are similar to model LV401, but with the addition of more highly select tonewoods and special detailed craftsmanship. They are crafted from highly select Carpathian tonewoods and have a solid spruce top and maple back, ribs, neck, and scroll. They are varnished by hand with an antique style multi-layer spirit varnish and have excellent responsiveness.

Dunov 401 "Honors"
Dunov model VL401 violins combine old-world craftsmanship and high quality materials. They are crafted from select Carpathian tonewoods and are built using traditional workshop methods. They are varnished by hand with an antique style multi-layer spirit varnish and provide excellent sound and playability.

Joseph H Regh
Josef H Regh violins are handcrafted of select German tonewoods, producing clear even tone. This violin features red brown hand applied antique style multi-layer spirit varnish, ebony fingerboard and fittings.

Snow Model 200
Snow is a small workshop by Chinese standards. Their small group of expert makers focus on intermediate and high end production, because that is where they can bring the greatest value. Meticulous workmanship and hand-rubbed and antique varnished. Italian spruce top and maple back. Tonally, Snow tends toward a warm and smooth tone image.

Snow Model 400
Snow is a small workshop by Chinese standards. Their small group of expert makers focus on intermediate and high end production, because that is where they can bring the greatest value. Meticulous workmanship and hand-rubbed and antique varnished. Italian spruce top and maple back. Tonally, Snow tends toward a warm and smooth tone image. The 400 model has a finer choice of tonewood selection compared to the model 200.

Core Symphony Model SM10
This instrument features a well-seasoned one-piece maple back aged at least 7 years! Combined with experienced craftsmanship, the resulting tonal qualities are well-balanced, with both clarity and warmth, refinement and power.

Core Dragon DR10
A fine example of modern Chinese violinmaking. Affordable yet capable, this violin possesses all the qualities needed to make a fine performance-level instrument: medium to medium-dark tone, fast response, and a clear, even voice throughout. The varnish is mildly antiqued medium brown to mild red-brown of medium luster.

Core Dragon DR30
Possesses a very sweet, dark tone, while still being quite capable in the upper dynamic range. The varnish is mildly antiqued warm amber of medium luster.

Core Dragon DR50
Plays with a warm, rich tone while maintaining a fine level of projection. A strong instrument that remains responsive at the lower dynamic levels. The varnish is tastefully antiqued medium amber of medium luster.

August Kohr 565
The texture of the rich, buttery varnish summons the player to draw the instrument closer for thorough inspection. As delightful as the craftsmanship and overall appearance prove to be, with skillful bowing and agile left hand, the K565 violin truly comes to life. From the same workshop as the K515, the K565 kicks everything into a higher gear, from its select, aged tonewoods to the extra detail in the arching and graduation. The bold coloration and shading of the varnish is given extra dimension with its sophisticated texture.
Core Select Collection Wide range of tasteful copies of famous rare Italian instruments

Core Select Model 2000 "Amati"
The Amati pattern is a perfect smaller-bodied 4/4 pattern. Modeled after the great Nicolo Amati of 17th century Cremona who inspired the next generation of Stradivari and Guarneri, this reproduction is ideal for the player looking for a more comfortable violin, not quite 7/8-size but smaller than traditional 4/4-size, exhibiting a refined and versatile tonal palette. Body length - 353 mm; Upper Bout - 158 mm; Lower Bout - 190 mm.

Core Select Model 2000 "Cannon"
Soloists worldwide know the original Guarneri del Gesu violins as among the finest creations ever produced, with only Stradivari violins regarded as equals. Niccolo Paganini's "Il Cannone" Guarneri of 1743 was a legendary extension of his technical wizardry. The Core Select "Cannon" model is inspired by the robust, spontaneous workmanship of the original and now available for any player to enjoy. Body length - 353 mm; Upper Bout - 166 mm; Lower Bout - 206 mm.

Core Select Model 2000 "Emiliani"
Authentic Stradivari violins are still being played by the world's greatest violinists, and the 1703 "Emiliani" Strad is a fine example. Named after a famous 19th-century Italian violinist from Bologna, Cesare Emiliani, the beautiful tone of this violin continues to dazzle audiences around the globe, and inspires this modern interpretation. Body length - 354 mm; Upper Bout - 168 mm; Lower Bout - 206 mm.

Core Select Model 2000 "Goldman"
100% European spruce top, classic Strad pattern! 1716 "Goldman" Stradivari is a Golden Period instrument loaned to Yehudi Menuhin as a young prodigy in 1928 by the investment banker Henry Goldman, and then played most famously by Nathan Milstein from 1945 to 1992. This modern day tribute produces a bold and beautiful tone. Body length - 353 mm; Upper Bout - 167 mm; Lower Bout - 206 mm.

Core Select Model 2000 "Kreisler"
Not just another Guarneri model, the example from c.1730 played by Fritz Kreisler is considered one of Guarneri del Gesu's first signature creations which marked the beginning of his golden period. The unique outline and arching are bold stylistically and acoustically. This Core Select reproduction is a worthy match for violinists embracing Kreisler's warm and expressive playing style. Body length - 355 mm; Upper Bout - 165 mm; Lower Bout - 201 mm.

Core Select CS1000
Aged spruce, medium flamed maple, attractive red-brown finish slightly opaque for intriguing appearance.

Core Select CS1150
Aged European spruce and flamed maple, reddish-amber varnish, antiqued. A slight upgrade from the CS1000 in terms of the tonewood selection.

Core Select CS1450
Well aged European spruce and nicely flamed maple, rich reddish-amber varnish tastefully antiqued.

Revelle Model 500
The instruments are created by expert luthiers designed for players with developing skill. This model 500 violin projects clearly a smooth and brilliant tone. It has a resonant and singing upper end that would suit the advancing student. The varnish is a golden yellow color that matches its brilliance in sound.

Revelle Model 600
Made of mature seasoned European maple and spruce, the Revelle 600 is 100% sound adjusted in the U.S. for optimum performance. Made by highly trained violin makers. Perfect for the advanced student performer or adult amateur, it boasts elegant performance and responsive playability.

Revelle Model 700
Revelle 700 boasts a remarkably rich color palette and a mature, broad sound. A most rewarding instrument for the advancing performer featuring superior sound, playability and aesthetic form, it is made of mature seasoned European maple and spruce by highly skilled violin makers and 100% sound adjusted in the U.S. for optimum performance.